

Me encantaba la pareja de Preston Burke y Christina Yang, qué vamos a hacerle?
Hace minutos, ya ni recuerdo cómo, me encontré con las líneas de ésta escena. Las más de tres veces que la he visto en tv, se me hace un nudillo en la garganta y termino por llorar. qué vamos a hacerle?


It is not difficult, sir... it is simple. Burke is not here. He's gone and he's the better for it. He's winning the Harper Avery award and being celebrated all over the world. That is not difficult. He's out there, and I'm here, where everything is the same. I still live in his apartment, I walk the same halls of this hospital, I wear the same scrubs. It is not difficult. This is where I am, these is where I chose to be. But sir, when his hand was shaking, I performed his surgeries, I kept his secrets, I nursed his pride... you know it, and I know it, and he knows it. He knows it, and yet nowhere in that newspaper article does my name appear. I am the unseen hand to his brilliance. And yet while everything is the same it's very, very different. Now I'm lucky if I get to hold a clamp. Hahn treats me like... I was his hand, and now I'm a ghost. That's not difficult... it's unbearable. I know everybody is proud of him... but I'm not... and I do not wish him well.

6 comentarios:

tokyo sex dijo...

weeeeeeeeeey ya sééééé, cuando la ví yo así de nomamswe. o sea, esque se pasó de verga. nomás, se pasó de verga. no sé, wey ve como estamos e imagínatela a ella en su situación. no te pases de verga we.

tokyo sex dijo...

o sea, hablaba de cuando la dejó en el altar y ya.

Malhechecito dijo...

Yo no se de que hablan snifff, yo no veo tele, soy un horror.
Un abrazo

Ros dijo...


es que es un color muy vilmoso!

ay eso de llorar frente a esas escenas, catártico pues!


Juan K Manei dijo...

mmm y yo en ingles estoy de la verga chingado, hubieras puesto la traducccion jajaja con triple c para mi

Ros dijo...


